Friends of St. Mark,

After several incidents and increasing concern, I am writing to offer clarification and ask for your help as we work together to ensure Clifton Heights remains a safe and welcoming place.

Over the past several months, we have seen an increase in the use of our field by the community. We are overjoyed at this and are so grateful that St. Mark can be a place of welcome and safety for local community members to play games and hang out.

It has been wonderful to see the field in use and to know that the members of our community have a safe place to play, walk dogs, hang out, and relax. We recognize that many community members work together to care for the property and show the field and the rest of our church property care and respect.

Unfortunately, we have also had repeated encounters that have overshadowed this joy. Multiple times, groups of youth have sworn at and insulted elderly members of our school staff. There have been repeated instances of trespassing into off-limits areas. Most recently, a small fire was started on the property.

We do not share these events as a means of shame – we share these examples so that our community is aware that we have not made changes without much thought and out of deep need.

We must ensure our staff and volunteers are safe and respected. We must ensure the many young children that we educate and care for daily have a safe place to learn and play, free from the influence of vulgar language, pet waste, or unsafe trash.

After much discussion, we have decided to implement a series of rules. These rules will be published on signs around the property and are listed below. We ask that the members of our community discuss these rules with the children and youth in your care and work together to ensure that the field and Clifton Heights remain a safe and welcoming place for everyone.

You may reach out to the church office directly with any questions or concerns.


Pr. Kevin

St. Mark Lutheran Church and Christian School


The updated rules are:

All children in sixth grade and below must be accompanied by an adult. 

Polite and Respectful language must be used at all times. Remember, this is a school property with lots of young children. 

The field may be used from 6:00 pm to sunset

All dogs must be leashed. 

Any trash, pet waste, and debris must be removed when you leave the property. 

The Playground is off-limits, it is exclusively for school use.

Church and school staff reserve the right to ask anyone to leave the property as they see fit.